
Yahoo interviewed him - the girl was just pissed she didnt get to throw it back.

Those people are privileged? you are confused. Poor ignorant bigots are not privileged. Its talk like that that gets these people off their ass to vote for Trump.... White privilege exists and its not on the side of a road next to a fire pit.

take your white guilt somewhere else

slow sports week?

Where are all those 18-1 shirts from a few years ago?

Didnt they win a ring because of Kyrie’s game 7 performance 2 years ago?

was it consensual? She was an intern and he was the president of the united states.

Obama dropped how many bombs on Syria? - this isn’t new.

All of that and you didn’t mention oil or gas. YOU DON’T GET IT.

You really don’t understand the fiduciary rule at all. It’s all about cost and expenses. The rule forces investment advisors to recommend products based on expenses and not performance. In the long run this will keep ordinary joe out of some of the more exotic investments out there, that may charge a higher fee but

It is normal. Clinton got a bj in the oval office and fired every single republican (not just one person), in the justice department. All this crazy shit has been done before.

What jobs and savings are gone? Market has taken off since he won. Companies have tremendous confidence and are expanding...

But Obama didn’t have a republican congress for his first 2 years in office.

By the picture it appears to be on land.

And the Steelers did this to Brady on the qb sneak- it just didnt work.

Name one person who complained he use to pass too much that is now calling him a ball hog.

You should reconsider why you use mouthwash and look into antispetic. A mouthwash isnt going to prevent cavaties, you get enough flouride already.

You should reconsider why you use mouthwash and look into antispetic. A mouthwash isnt going to prevent cavaties,

I dont think that was his responsibility. If he left his man to stop Lebron they would have a wide open 3. There was the guy behind Korver that should have rotated over, and a guy on the weak side that could have dropped down under the basket. Korver is also closing out his man, not just running out the way.

24 second shot clock will force the offense to change. Of course if they go out there and play the same game it would result it more fouls and bad shots. But that’s because every team’s offensive scheme is built on a 35 second shot clock.

You’re completely right that’s why everyone watches the WNBA.