
Babymetal's "Give Me Chocolate".

Tegan and Sara's "The Con"

Whatever the list, have Gwar cover them all.

When will Paramount sue Star Trek: Renegades? This has Walter Koenig playing Admiral Chekov, Tim Russ playing Tuvok, Nichelle Nichols as Uhura… the list goes on and on. WHy just Anaxar?

Too soon, Duckman. Too soon. Then again, the Ventrue and Toreador betrayal at Carthage was not that long ago, was it?

What's wrong with Superman is that people keep trying to make him into something he's not. A modern Superman can in no way be the same character that was created 80+ years ago.
We all know that the Silver-Age Superman was a massive dick and often killed people or let them die (and let's not even get into the abusive

Steve isn't the only person doing ration reviews, but he's probably the craziest.

The goal was always to make 12 episodes. The campaign really has nothing to do with making a couple of shows - it's to show executives (like at Netflix) that there are still a lot of fans that are willing to spend money.

The Legion of Super Minnesotans?

I would have more respect if all situations weren't solved by Katniss by a "well-aimed arrow".. I'm glad some people liked it, though.

The moral of the story wasn't that developmentally challenged beings need to be accepted (which they do) but rather that PB is cruel and heartless and probably insane. She may be trying to see that she made mistakes in the past, but she's not really succeeding.
We'll see more of that in the upcoming episodes,

Cabin in the Woods is a much more horrifying movie than pretty much any of the other movies mentioned in the article - especially the torture-porn movies like Hostel.
Why? Because the premise of the movie is not "there is a secret government agency killing people" but rather that there are godlike supernatural forces

If one cut out the Oompa Loompa songs from the movie it's not half bad. Admittedly, if the whole movie was Christopher Lee as Wonka's dentist father it would be a lot better.

Pee Wee's Big Adventure is not a kid's movie. Neither is Who Framed Roger Rabbit.

In the "Lights Out" episode called "The Horla", Peter Lorre goes meta after the story is over - Lorre pretends to freak out and believe that HE (Lorre) and not his character in the story is being haunted by the spirit in the story.

I'm still hoping that Carol Danvers is introduced as Binary and has the Energy gem, once Thanos steals it she can be Captain Marvel.

So, nothing like Firefly at all?