
the fact that folks are upset about a line that is really just there for the ittiest bittiest of context and is not at all the point of the article is just baffling

Tune in today to see Linda Codega get mansplained about reviewing. ‘Take that, columnist who already clarified her point a dozen times!”

bite me ;)

The ones being household names are actually part of the problem with getting public support. They are the 1% of 1% of actors, but a lot of people believe they’re indictive of all actors in the union. Even on this site you’ll see people talking about how they aren’t going to support “millionaire celebrities” and are

Counterpoint: we’ve polarized and lost empathy to the point that large portions of America reflexively side with corporate interests. Not because they trust them or have better experiences but because they have the shortsighted attitude of, “Tough shit, my work treats me like garbage too. Stop whining and get a real

It’s wild to me that the Executives decided to pick a fight with people who are literal household names, who are popular and well liked with the general public and who are incredibly skilled at presenting speeches and performances that are designed to get emotional responses from audiences.

Nah that’s not how their trick works. They need to say “go woke, go broke” about everything, so that when box office disappointments inevitably happen (as they always have and will), they can pretend they were right. Box office successes are hand-waved away.

I think the production budgets are a small part of the story and you can’t just look at that and the box office to get your profit. According to its Wikipedia entry, The Flash is considered one of the biggest box office bombs ever. Sounds like the marketing budget was larger than the production budget and it needed to

get a life, loser.

how does this sink their whole brand, exactly?


Once again, conservative nitwits forget that they are supposed to pretend “anti-woke” doesn’t just mean “anti-black.”

It’s almost like the Daily Mail is a lying tabloid hack rage that exists to spread hate and that people should stop using it as a source for anything.

The fact that they didn’t hire seven people who look like this

I think it’s hard for people who weren’t around at the time to realize just how big a deal it was that the PS2 had a DVD player, y’know? (And, to your point, apparently hard for people at Sega to realize it either.)

four years between those 1997 emails and being out of the game entirely. life, and playstations, come at you fast.

Most incredible is that only 18 months after some of these emails/presentations, they not only RELEASED THE DREAMCAST, but it was GOOD

My favourite story was when Michelle Philips, of The Mamas & The Papas, first saw Star Wars her reaction to Han was “That’s my pot dealer! I didn’t even know he was an actor!”

Somehow the reaction is different when Alec Baldwin says that.