
I’m skeptical. It seems like the GoT audience plateaued, and then they shit the bed and turned thousands of diehard fans into haters. I doubt HotD comes close to late-season GoT numbers, and the budgets on these things tend to keep increasing, especially with more dragon screen time in this.  It’s bizarre that that

The spirit is willing…but the flesh is spongy and bruised.

I love the bad faith argument of ‘Not that I don’t believe you, but I can’t be arsed to open a search engine and find out if I’m full of shit or not’. Keep it coming.

I don’t know if you’ve ever played games by pretty small teams that had popular multiplayer explode, but a LOT of them are almost immediately overwhelmed by cheaters, and die pretty quickly. This is because the teams simply don’t have the resources to effectively respond. Companies like Bungie spend literal millions

“Throwing shit at a wall to see what sticks” is simply how litigation works. You make every claim you can possibly think of, however remote, knowing full well that you’ll lose on most of them, because you only need one to stick and you don’t usually get a second chance. So Bungie is just doing what every plaintiff

The press release ends with AimJunkies suggesting that Bungie’s behavior is why Activision sold the company”

What’s absurd is making cheat software, having the audacity to sell it openly and then claiming it isn’t hurting anybody.

Look, there’s no way to enshrine it in law in a consistent way but... if you cheat on your spouse when you have a 6 month old baby you are owed a couple slaps. That’s just what it is. 

Are you slappy now

And Fleabag got ITS shtick from Malcolm in the Middle...which was inspired by Parker Lewis Can’t Lose...which was aping Ferris Bueller.

You know, Oscar Isaac is one of the actors who says this and I actually believe him. After the shit he’s been through with Star Wars and X-men, I don’t know that there’s enough money out there for him to take the job again if it just feels like it’s going to be miserable and humiliating. 

I know right, I mean sometimes I just REALLY want a vole like right now.  I’m not strolling down to the vole shop to pick one up, I want it now dammit lol.

While you were partying, I studied the CAWWW!

Cassowary. That’s the bird you want in your regiment.

Personally, I don’t take psychic damage from trying to play a video game. I go, oh, I don’t like this. And then I stop. More platforms isn’t a bad thing, for the people who do like mobile gaming. It’s a large market,  you know?

I mean, if 99 percent of people with accounts weren’t using them, it’s a safe bet that some percentage of those people likely had no idea the games were available. There were comments on this site, on the last article, from people who didn’t know it was a thing.

Every terrible free game in any app store has tons of

I don’t. But my phone is with me 24x7. My game consoles and PC aren’t.

But like... the entire point is, if you already have a Netflix subscription (which many people do), you don’t have to buy them