Doc Eon

I’m not quite sure what you’re point is, and whether you’re agreeing or disagreeing with me, but if you’re right then I’m still alarmed with respect to a future where wealthy families screen their children for genetic abnormalities, whilst the rest of us ‘make do’ with supposedly inferior children. Not only is that sce

I’ve read the book. Kakutani doesn’t really take the left to task for departing from reality; rather, she traces the origins of the far right’s willful ignorance and neverending fountain of lies to postmodern theory that came out of academia in the ‘60s. At its core it simply held that other viewpoints are valid (not

I am extremely disappointed that Eugenics by Eugene Levy is not a real book.

The AV Club’s stock has fallen precipitously in the last few years, but one thing I can always rely on them for is to remind why I stopped reading comics: Every story takes two years to go nowhere.

Conan might have had a shot if NBC hadn’t gone out of its way to tank his show. And the Tonight Show has been a late-night afterthought ever since.

It feels weird when people list Rob as the creator of Deadpool in stuff like this, because while technically true, his take on the character was basically just Spider-man mixed with DC’s Deathstroke, so his opinions on the character basically amount to nothing since it was guys like Fabian Nicieza and Joe Kelly who

Funny how squarely Letterman and then Colbert have inherited Carson mantle, and not any subsequent Tonight Show host. 

This stuff isn’t meant to turn elections. It just gets under the skin of the little crybaby in the White House who craves attention and praise from the Hollywood “elites” he claims to hate in front of his fawning redneck crowd- people for whom Trump actually has nothing but contempt. (When you can call someone a loser

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Its too bad that Trump didn’t name Letterman as being great like Carson, because then they could’ve added this great exchange.

The fact that none of the streamers in this video goes off on a racist/homophobic rant kind of ruins the illusion.

“Seriously, I saw the sketches, Deadpool had feet and everything! I don’t know what genius figured out how to capture the form of the human foot, but they deserve the highest of praise!” - Rob Liefeld (and Quentin Tarantino, probably, but in a very different context)

Half the country will probably think this shit is a true story.

The premise preys on those who actually believe this kind of thing is real. Like my relatives who I can almost hear saying “The liberal media don’t like this film because it’s only showing how Trump is trying to save us and from what now!  I mean it’s even worse than that movie is showing!

Don’t feed the troll – Hillsbilly869, Nashville, Mexico, 11 hours ago

This confirms my worst suspicions about this movie. (Not to mention the trailer copy, “the next chapter in the Sicario saga.”)

Yeah, it just presents the reality, which is that drug cartels are smuggling in suicide bombers to the US... oh wait.

I think you’ll find the answer to that question within the body of the review.

Gotham and Gotham Girl?

This preview tells us exactly as much as the last issue did: there are now two heroes named Gotham and Gotham-Girl. They can fly, and they have super-strength. We literally know nothing else about them.