Doc Eon

I guess those plants contain a lot of protein…

They said the daylight would only last a few minutes.

Well, not knowing about the sister is odd too, but maybe that was a family secret - the loony aunt kept locked in the attic.

I really hate the whole Devil wears Prada thing. But apart from that I'm OK with most of this, considering it's a pilot.

Thinking about what seems to be the most common characteristics of gods in all actual mythologies:
A) They have superhuman abilities in many, if not all, respects.
B) They meddle a lot in the lives of humans.
C) They have some say about the afterlife of human souls.
D) They have some relationship to the creation of the

They said Tremors, didn't they?
I thought her name was Quake?

And exactly how would he make sure of that? Considering that RS is clearly a filmmaker who works purely from gut instinct and sometimes gets it right through sheer luck but often is screwed over by not being able to recognize a bad script when he sees it…

I'd say hurry up and use it before everyone who remembers phonebooks has died off.

Wait, the running guy isn't the same as the face in top center?
I'd never be able to tell those apart…

No, it sounds just as strange in Swedish.


He got the clip at the same time as the gun.

Wild theory time.

I didn't get the impression that going through the mirrors placed Strange in Lost Hope as such - I thought that realm (the King's Roads, he called it) was much larger, and Lost Hope can be found by travelling those roads.

Jon Snow is dead! Long live Azor Ahai!

It's kind of an odd way of protecting a cliffhanger, isn't it? I mean, if they wanted to maintain any kind of suspense, a blank-faced "no comment" would be much better.

He was correcting the poster who implied that Joan of Arc was burned during the War of Roses.

Well, it did provide a kind of connection to the Inspector's military experience.

And? Let us posit as fact that Lucas had an idea for the structure of the movies, and that he was able to implement that structure. How does that impact the quality of the storytelling? Answer: not in the slightest.

Ummm, the original Interceptor was actually blown up less than halfway into The Road Warrior. That it’s present at all in the new movie is either a retcon or “it’s not the same car, he just found a new one that’s very similar”.