Dr Benway

I hate factory farming too, but I don't agree that these bulls experience a good death.

Most people in Spain are not interested or oppose bullfighting, and is banned in certain parts of Spain. Others wanted to ban it but the central administration protected it as a "cultural festivity". Bullfighting is not a tradition in every part of Spain.

Bullfighting = torturing animals for fun. Fuck you, Spain.

Sorry, Hemingway and all other Real Men (TM) out there, but the running of the bulls is the stupidest thing ever and humans who participate in this deserve a good goring once in awhile. Poor bulls.


I really hate this macho bullshit. Not to mention bull fighting.

book deal!

Wait - doesn't this just prove to me that the food is healthy for humans, which means it probably isn't designed specifically for dogs? Don't dogs and cats need different nutrition than humans?