You're…a Norse pagan? Rachel Chatterton sounds English / American to me
You're…a Norse pagan? Rachel Chatterton sounds English / American to me
Dennis, don't you think the story Harald tells Asluag was about her, and the two of them have a past together? I thought they were pretty blatantly insinuating that.
I got the impression he almost wanted / hoped she would hit him back, because he knew Lagertha would never take that shit lying down. That fight / makeup sex scene in Season 1 after he cheated on her was a highlight for me. Just another stark reminder she isn't half the woman Lagertha is…
God forbid you actually admit you were wrong for cherry picking two comments out of an entire thread in your zest to reprimand me.
READ THE REST OF THE THREAD. I amended my comment to have a spoiler tag, the "grow up" was in response to the initial comments both personally insulting menove an oversight made in a comment about a TV show.
Yes, you are right - it was inconsiderate. It was not however, intentional, or meant to deliberately ruin anyone's viewing experience. A month ago everyone was binging away and everyone in the comments was on the level; hence why no one until a month later, now, is crying foul.
I guess you missed the first comment directed towards me that read "AW FUCK YOU MAN" ?
How about you talk like an adult and not use petty personal attacks?
Jesus, grow up.
This show came out 3 weeks ago. Everyone in the thread knew what the score was at the time it was posted. Hence no one else getting butthurt.
He and Wesley come up with a *cover* to explain to Hoffman so he'll stay loyal and MURDER HIS OWN partner for them. It sounds way better that it was a deliberate punishment for screwing up rather than they are incompetent and accidentally shot one of their own guys. Keeps the men in line by installing fear rather than…
well said
Oh god…just reading her name triggers involuntary 'nam-like flashbacks to her posts…noooooooo
Lol yes. Are you trolling me?
What? No.
Except that isn't what I'm doing. See my other response to you.
No offense but I'm not sure you understood the conversation because you just proved my point. Commenter platformula was giving Karen props for killing Wesley without any hang-ups, "not then, not now,"
whereas I was arguing she spent the majority of the following episode 'hung up' on what she'd done because, as you…
********SPOILER ALERT**********
There are two types of women in Frank Miller stories: 'Femme Fatales' (read: manipulative sociopaths) and whores. But mostly whores.