
Especially since it was such a surprise and in no way predictable.

Be Best

If priest had merely been a pedophile, he would’ve had Republicans’ full support. But praying for economic equality is a bridge too fucking far.

He’s never let me down, and I don’t think he’ll let us down again.

It’d be nice if Deadspin would help rid the world of the awful Chief Wahoo logo by using photographs and/or angles that don’t show Wahoo on Cleveland’s uniforms. Or by excising Wahoo out of photos entirely.

Merkel said no such thing!

I don’t get why you dumb libtards try and take the things he says he’ll do and use his actual past actions to refute them.

Of course he missed the memo, he doesn’t read and I am pretty sure Fox and Friends probably didn’t broadcast that story.

This sounds like a good new years resolution...unfortunately I would only succeed if I got a crappy book it award and a personal pan pizza.

Literally fuck all of these people and their shitty versions of events with a rake. Government conspiracies are just more fun when they are hiding the existence of aliens and bigfoot-not when they are willfully obscuring knowledge of domestic violence.

>>>”The White House also pushed out just one EXECUTIVE ORDER during the course of the speech: to keep the military prison at Guantanamo Bay open, continuing the previous administration’s policy of also keeping the prison open. Who wants to tell Cillizza?”

I have served as a graduate teaching assistant, an adjunct professor, and a tenured professor of English over the course of my professional life.

While there’s definitely call for—and a solid case for—organizing adjuncts and admitting them to the union for their local institution (and the body that provided me tenure

Some Minnesota teachers have recently tied their stalled negotiations and decrease in school funding to local tax breaks for corporations.

And rightly so.

And now the question is: do you want the America that has been and is, or do you want the America that could be if we all try hard enough? One of these Americas has a future where people work and live together and make a better place to live. An America where we cherish our health, our society, and our civilization

Attacking and destroying Native communities who had existed for 40 000 years prior to contact.

Foles foils Falcons; fucks Falcon’s formula for final fight for fulfillment, fortunes for foreseeable future.

I’ve never heard of the Bad Guys. Who dat?

It can happen on Any Given Sunday.

Amen. I remember being a 10 year-old in Green Bay when Brett and Reggie came to town. Just old enough to have a vague notion of how bad things were prior to their arrival but young enough to not have a mental limp brought on by watching the 70’s and 80’s teams. Now my dad seems to have completely forgotten the bad old