

Really, shouldn’t we expect high schoolers to have the same strength of conviction, independent minds, and fortitude as middle-aged people?”

This plan worked great for the NHL’s New York Islanders!

Still a bullshit call most likely. I thought the officials were pretty bad for both sides on that game- this call in particular just happened to come at the very end. 

Read the update- body weight wasn’t the call. The call was for “picking the quarterback up” before tackling him. Probably just as poor a call, but one that would’ve been made prior to the rule change also. 

Gary Anderson had the decency to go perfect for the first 17 games at least.

The only time I can think of for this is near the beginning of the game when Cousins was sacked by 3 Packers. One made contact with Cousins’ head/helmet, but it was called a clean play. It was completely incidental and did no “damage”, but I have seen it (and worse) called in the past. That’s the only instance I can

It was a Packers DT on Cousins, though I’m fairly certain he let go because he thought Cousins got the throw off (which he didn’t) because he completed his motion but held the ball still. They also didn’t end up gaining any yardage either.

So the fact her story dates to counseling in 2012, well before Trump let alone this situation, just doesn’t count eh?

The same bullshit call went against Minnesota just before half and lead to  FG. Neither should’ve been called and the rule is stupid.

There’s a small rectangular window that always has a cover beside it that attaches with Velcro. So when you need it covered you pull it from the door itself and place it over the window. Locking down the room takes 2 seconds- close door, place cover. 

I’m sure it varies by state, but in Canada (province of Manitoba) where I teach, teachers are required to keep their doors locked at all times. They can be open, but even then must be in the locked position so closing the door immediately creates a locked barricade in the event of a lockdown situation. 

I know nothing about him personally. That said, I would 100% prefer he ran said multi billion dollar media conglomerate over Sheldon Adleson!

I think you mean Sheldon Adleson. Sheldon Richardson is a defensive tackle for the Minnesota Vikings.

Given American history I’d suggest it actually makes perfect sense. Logic has never stood in the way of racism. 

Definitely. That’s not to say 1) It isn’t still occurring or 2) Those who joined up around the report’s release and before aren’t still in law enforcement or recruiting others/spreading their own beliefs. 

Thanks! Was tougher than it would normally be because every search the majority of the links were for The Black Klansman.

About 62 979 636.

If groups like the Koch’s are the funding source, how are these “grassroots”? This is called astroturfing, where something appears to be a grassroots cause but is actually funded by deep pocketed groups.