
I can understand (while disagreeing with) the policy itself for “national sercurity”. The biggest problem is who is conducting what would be unlawful searches in literally any other instance: civilians. Boarder guards aren’t intelligence officers, military officers, or even basic police officers. This is regular Joe

Given American history I’d suggest it actually makes perfect sense. Logic has never stood in the way of racism. 

Definitely. That’s not to say 1) It isn’t still occurring or 2) Those who joined up around the report’s release and before aren’t still in law enforcement or recruiting others/spreading their own beliefs. 

Thanks! Was tougher than it would normally be because every search the majority of the links were for The Black Klansman.

About 62 979 636.

If groups like the Koch’s are the funding source, how are these “grassroots”? This is called astroturfing, where something appears to be a grassroots cause but is actually funded by deep pocketed groups.


USA basketball should just keep a list of players and call each one elite without doing the scouting they want no part of. Make this the farce it is.

No, but russia is in fact the world’s largest producer of asbestos.

*Mein Kampf. 

Because more than just Trump are involved in his crimes against the country. Trump is the bumbling idiot who ended up at the top, but it’s much bigger than him and his bumbling fool children.

Also NATO, assuming the Saudi’s struck first. 

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

So murder= OK


Call rather than email. Emails are very easy to delete and ignore, a ringing phone is not. 

Facebook wouldn’t have done this on purpose to be able to say “oops, well we tried but look it’s just not possible to police something like this” ¯\_(ツ)_/¯...

Or they back Conservative Democrats to make up the 10% difference, because they don’t really need the crap this particular administration is doing and pseudo-Republican Dems align on the anti-climate change/regulation/tariff better with them.