

Confirmation bias is a helluva drug

I imagine If they didn’t try to monetize the system, and simply let players create/download it wouldn’t be an issue. But that might hurt their own profits on 2K licensed items.

Rather than use direct testimony for that reason, I’d imagine what he knows will be used to point the investigation towards evidence of things already believed to strengthen their case. Someone more lawyerey than me could expand.

They’ve also been quite clear they are not in the business of helping those from other places come and settle in America, so turnabout and all that

Why? The income from the super-rich will trickle down! Reagan said so! /s

+14 age of mother’s consent

It’s amazing how on point the South Park episodes using Cartman in Hannity’s spot were/are.

Personally, my wife and I (Canadian) were planning to travel to Vegas and the Grand Canyon last summer, and changed course due to all of the uncertainty, fear ans bullshit. We spent a week in Quebec relaxing instead, keeping at least our few tourist $ in Canada.

Cam probably doesn’t belong in this list, he gets no protection

The worst part of this in my opinion, is that kids are much better at understanding wrong from right in these matters than adults are. Their worldview is being shaped; the older you get, the more your own pre-conceived notions lead to twisting historical (and present day) fact to fit what you believe is right.

Uhhh they finished 4 points behind Detroit and more than 10 ahead of the Blues and Kings. They were favourites in 2/3 series, and the wings was a toss up. Some underdogs lol

They could’ve used their amnesty on kendrick Perkins to sign Harden and avoid the tax. They cheaped out rather then pay more salary. Fuck the Thunder.