
Are you trying to rationalize historical context?

Feeling bad intensifies :(

The question would be "do the atypical country fans make up a larger population than typical country fans?"

Oh, I see. So a question's merit is in the person's comment history? Whatever happened to anonymous forums?

Hell, even supposing he was a misogynistic bastard - death threats? The jump should never be from "I think this guy is an asshole" to "I think this guy does not deserve to live the rest of his life." We have major discussions about death penalty for people who actually kill people, yet somehow at least a few people

Calls him out on what?

I am pretty sure that's sarcasm

Why not? Do you have proof that he is not qualified to be an analyst or a marketing researcher?

One thing is questioning the data, another is lashing out at someone and sending them death threats. What's going on right now is not "questioning." All I see is a ton of angry people stating their personal opinions of the guy, and calling him a selection of words, while very little discussion of the data is taking

Pretty much. You don't even have to call him a "tool" though: he has a job, and that job happens to be figuring out how to increase and maintain profits of a radio station. He is a tool in the same fashion that anyone else who has a job is one. It's not his job to push for progressive ideals - just like it's not a

I don't think his analogy is even that fucked up. I am not sure how he got onto tomatoes, but all he was saying is that you need a whole lot of one thing, and a little bit of another in this case for the right mix to maximize the value of it.

It's funny that this whole thread is mostly people claiming to hate country, and then hating on the guy for stating what people who do like pop country that's played on the radio prefer - and most importantly, how to extract the most money out of those people