
The most hateful party in all of history, dating to the creation of the KKK during the civil war and creating terminology such as “reversed discrimination” when attacking white people and calling LBJ’s discriminatory , racist , debilitating 60's policy the Orwellian “affirmative action is always the one trying to

No actually its fascism , your blatant disrespect for all oppose you and the feeling you have the right to launch a coup over a duly, constitutionally elected government. While I agree trump speaks inappropriately at times but actions speak louder than words. Your leaders of ‘THE PARTY’ The American socialist party ,

Funny how a supporter of a classless fascist racist party thinks they are an expert of class. just proves how much the left things they are judge and jury of right and wrong. No the left can’t be bullies, everyone who disagrees is wrong, racist, xenophobe, ignorant, a bot, a Russian, a homophobe according to the party