Hear! Hear!
Hear! Hear!
I am not looking forward to the waves of sympathetic, reformed-Cletus safaris we will be treated to over the next couple of weeks (months if Biden ends up winning). Trump’s first appearance in the New York Times was about him being sued by the DOJ (Nixon’s DOJ, for what it’s worth) for racism. His political career was…
I just pray to god that Trump isn’t reelected.
There is a facehugger on that engine.
But did you use it to race techno barbarians in planes? Since there’s no twin turbo to kick in, I hope you didn’t risk it.
I can’t believe how little attention is given to the fact that Red Bull is nasty, vile, syrupy swill.
Ohh.. ohh.. can I use one with spikes?.. I’ve always wanted to use a spiked bat.. and this seems like the perfect time..
As my father always said, don’t be the one to throw the first punch, but sure to be the last one to stop
A cane is a much better option. No one can prove that you don’t medically need it, and it’s useful for maintaining social distancing as well.
Everything is wrong with it?
i live in florida, there’s no way i would ever let my ballot out of my sight until i put it in the machine.
All the GOP is nowadays is fear. It’s been fear for decades....fear of the commies, fear of the terrorists, fear of the socialists (while actually not knowing was socialism is), fear of people coming for your guns, your social security, etc.,etc.
By that way of thinking, I now consider myself a tequila-soaked Batman.
After voting on a receipt-less Diebold machine for the last two decades I feel like my vote will actually count this time.
So Biden was asked this question:
I voted by mail, checked the website for confirmation that “they” got it, but to tell you the truth I am still not 100% convinced it’s been counted and/or not fucked with.
The Buttplug has voted.
We don’t seem to have herd immunity from the flu either.
Trump lost the popular vote by about 3 million. He’s president because we’re still using an 18th century system. Hopefully, the fact that a person like Trump can become president will spur us on to start reforming the way we do things.
I figured as much. I keep hoping that these kinds of things will be big enough red flags for people, but nothing matters anymore.
Isn’t this an old post? Was the information updated?