do the truffle shuffle

How do you do that in a regular class though? You can’t teach a regular class based on the assumption that all kids are victims. If one or several are victims, then they need to inform the school so that they’re given appropriate counselling and allowed to opt out of sex ed classes (but only if they’re going to

Meh. I think it’s much ado about nothing. Can you tell me exactly how this is going to harm those kids? I mean, try to look past your initial visceral reaction to this and actually articulate what about this field trip is so ‘damaging’.

I don’t think she’s a troll (can we stop calling everybody a troll, please?) I think she’s a delicate flower/trigger-warning mattress feminist. Annoying and misguided for sure, but not a troll. But yeah, the logic of ‘if a kid has been abused, the answer is less sex ed and knowledge about sex’ is mind-boggling to the

Wut? Pretty sure that’s not why those parents are pissed off. By your reasoning, all sex ed should be off limits because it could be triggering for a kid who’s been abused.

I used to go home between classes in college and get high and watch Pat Robertson on the 700 club for fun. I once watched him try to terrify a poor woman who called in to ask just how bad it is if a woman masturbates. And Cabbage Pat(ch) Robertson went into this convoluted fundie senile moment that basically added up

Anyone can take a warped interpretation of the Bible, put on a tacky suit and call themselves a preacher, and use that to promote intolerance, hatred and devotion in blind followers too ignorant, or too scared of divine retribution to question what they’re being told, and call it a “religion”. That doesn’t

And that’s a bad thing? Cuz if that’s what demonic possession feels like, I don’t want to be righteous.

But I’m sorry I assumed the worst about your joke. Jezebel these days will do that to you.

Ummmm I made the joke precisely because I agreed with you. What do you think the winky face at the end is for?

Dude, since when are models paid to think? ;)

That’s what usually happens unless I’m being organised and have panty liners lying around (I usually don’t). I hate wearing pads and even panty liners bug me a little, especially in the summer.

This. Other than panty liners on the very last day of my period when there isn’t enough for a tampon, I will never wear pads again. They make my crotch area feel like a moist, bloody swamp.

We can call it the cunt pump.

I don’t have fibroids (knock on wood) but my Mom did pre-menopause and it really sucked so I feel for you. She didn’t have cramping or pain but she would bleed buckets. Including that time (peri-menopause, when they were irregular but still super heavy) when she got her period at an art museum in Europe, while wearing

An ad campaign this pushy deserves to have everyone boycott whatever they’re selling on principle just to say “fuck you” back. Stop attacking my eyes, Gawker.

Oh, I agree. What I meant was, how hadn’t he already been fired or severely reprimanded for the previous incidents? That might have prevented this one from even happening.

How has he not been fired by now? Or at the very least put on permanent filing duty with mandatory daily counselling sessions. Fucking psycho.

Feel free to disagree. Please, write a solid response to that goofy article, but for fuck’s sake, what is this silencing - and, by they way, this is actual silencing. They’re trying to get this woman fired and send a message to other academics that they better toe some inchoate and indiscernible “feminist” line lest

Exactly. Lots of 30-35 year-old grad students too. Hardly delicate flowers that need protecting from leering old men. Things aren’t as simple or clear cut as to be resolved by making romantic relationships between them verboten. It’s unnecessarily puritanical, not to mention unrealistic. But then I was half raised in

That’s the thing. Which is why this story bothered me so much, probably more than it deserved to, to be honest. It’s true that overall, the school didn’t completely fuck up. The fact that it initially decided to take this seriously enough to let it go this far is fucked up beyond belief but despite that initial dumb