
I was thinking New Web Order, but Hitlernet has a ring to it...

He's only 64!

I just want to live in a world dictated by a socialist immortal artificial intelligence that has outlawed religion, is that too much to ask?

Yeah, I know what an homage is. You inferring that I was applying the word to "using the same character" is not my fault. The few homages I was referring to were the recreated scenes. And yes, Kirk's death is very clearly an homage. An homage isn't merely a "wink and nudge", or a sly reference. An entire film can be

Nice cherry-picking there dude. Carol being introduced at this stage changes the dynamic, certainly, but she is bein positioned as Kirk's primary love inerest. They didn't meet at the academy? Well, Kirk didn't meet Khan on the Botany Bay here either. Her field is different? Well, Khan wasn't militarizing Starfleet as

Again, absurd. Every time a character reappears in Star Trek it's a complete rehash? Just Khan?

WHY is this comments system still so sucky and overly complex? It actually makes discussion MORE DIFICULT :(

VI is awesome. What's your issue with Kirk's characterization there?

If it were new you wouldn't be able to reference anything? That's absurd. With 50 years of Trek, comparisons aren't hard to make, people are even comparing RoboCop's role here to his appearance on Enteprise. The way ou said it was as though this movie were a complete rehash of something. It's not.

The fact that you even have to reference three very different stories speaks to the fact that saying STID is "telling an old story" is a gross exaggeration.

Nothing painfully obvious about it, because it isn't the case. Wrath of Khan was about a man who had been stranded by Kirk seeking revenge on Kirk and those who did him wrong. It was about the cost of life. It was about ageing. Into Darkness does not resemble Wrath of Khan in plot. If anything, it resembles Space

I wish I were kidding. I re-watched First Contact not long before STID. The movie is not good at all, and completely forgettable. Both it and Nemesis had squandered potential...

No way is it more "meh" than any of the Next Gen movies.

They're not. I keep seeing this everywhere. Gross exaggeration.

I want three things from the future of Trek:

Current Who recurring gags are pretty fun: X's are cool, Eleven in hats, and variations on 'timey-wimey'.

I was thinking this. Got a strong Arcade vibe off of him from this photo, and it had never occurred to me before. Knowing it's not Puck, and very unlikely to be Trask, I can buy Arcade.


I hate the designs for Babylon 5. One of the only reasons I never checked out the show. A revamp wouldn't go amiss.

I have to confess to seeing very little of the show, but I'd love to personally reboot UFO, the concept is solid.