
It doesn’t mean they choose to struggle, just that they have a far, far better chance of avoiding struggle than do people who are not in the military.

BAH varies by zip code and is pretty high in the bay area.

What makes me qualified to say what I think? Gee...

An E-1 with <2 years in service who has dependents will make, with allowances, $40,000+ at a minimum, and that goes way up with expensive locations. That’s for just the one enlisted person, and plus there are the benefits like cheap Tricare health insurance for the whole family, and tax-free shopping. And that’s the

I’m former military and for what it’s worth, I think if someone in the military is struggling financially, it’s their own fault. The pay is more than adequate and there are generous allowances for marriage, kids, food, etc. Enlisted families certainly won’t be rich, but for the most part I don’t see any reason why

We were middle/lower middle class in a suburb, and some of my friends thought my house was totally awesome and were jealous because they lived in townhouses, and others didn’t like my house because they lived in nicer developments with mini-lakes and stuff. So I always felt like my family was right in the middle. We

Evangelicals are Protestant. This thread is about Catholics.

There isn’t any such thing is having an open mind about sexual assault. There is, however, such a thing as having an open mind about a person. Casey Affleck is a person, and having an open mind about a person means not utterly condemning them forever based on their past actions and refusing to engage with anyone who

There isn’t any such thing is having an open mind about sexual assault. There is, however, such a thing as having an open mind about a person. Casey Affleck is a person, and having an open mind about a person means not utterly condemning them forever based on their past actions and refusing to engage with anyone who