
All anyone can do is react to the information they are given and in this case the developer AGREES with the nay-sayers that the facial animations weren’t up to standards. In a world where Mass Effect: Andromeda will exist as a broken buggy mess forevermore people should be cautious about these things.

Gerry Sandusky is still holding down his job as the voice of the Ravens.

It was cool how you found a way to diminish the idiocy of ESPN’s decision while blaming those reporting the change for the reaction it caused. Very adept. This site’s ability to discern who gets the benefit of the doubt and who doesn’t is never surprising.

I NEVER complain out things like “PC culture” and whatnot, but honestly this is some horsecrap. No harm done, but really fucking stupid.

This is so dumb and unnecessary. Sure, the right-wingers who are mad about it for the wrong reasons, but this is still monumentally dumb, and perfect example of a company that desperately wants to be as safe as possible tripping over its own dick.

Do you remember the Dreamcast games? They had faces that looked like this:

Because it is a lot easier to hide behind THE TROOPS than it is to have a discussion on an uncomfortable subject.

I will NEVER attend a sporting event where the draft dodging millionaire athletes disrespect the veterans who earned them the right to be on that field.

I’m not a big NFL fan or anything, but IMHO, anyone who is old enough to have dodged the draft and can still be competitive at professional sports deserves at least some kind of respect.

There is no “Draft” to dodge. Except the NFL Draft. And these fools got drafted by the Browns. The BROWNS. It’s like the Afghanistan of NFL teams.

The same reason Sharknado doesn’t try to sell itself off as a Hollywood blockbuster - it’s clearly not up to those standards, and it would get laughed out of the room. The people who do try and claim their shitty no-budget movies are on the same level as a big-budget studio film are delusional, and get ridiculed.

No, it has nothing to do with modern expectations because this game can’t even exceed the quality of Metal Gear Solid 3; the only thing it has over a PS2 game is textures and lighting.

Resident Evil is mocked for its dialogue. Undertale had a targeted and stylized aesthetic.

Except here’s the thing: Resident Evil moved on from the old games’ dialogue, Undertale’s graphics were a deliberate design decision, and CoD is actively criticized for its lack of innovation.

... Wow. That’s just... jeez. This article is essentially begging Shenmue III’s developers to cut corners and be lazy in the name of warped nostalgia. The first two Shenmue games were clunky due to technological limitations, not design philosophy.

Just because something was acceptable and charming in 1999 does not mean it’s still acceptable and charming in 2017. Standards have been raised, and a series that previously broke new ground should not be lagging behind this badly, especially considering it has at least some funding from major publishers and is one of

Do you know why Yamcha isn’t in the Tournament of Power.

Because Gods of Destruction are ineligible.

It’ll switch things up?

No, I addressed that. You have to use it like 20 times in a row, without any indication that it’s actually doing anything. Any reasonable player is going to try it four, five, maybe six times, just like I did, and conclude that it’s having no effect, and try something else.

Thank you. I’ve always thought this, too. There’s a lot to like about Undertale — the art style is striking, the concept is interesting, many of the characters are appealing, etc. — but there’s also a lot about it which is just crude emotional manipulation, and the Toriel encounter is one of the most egregious