
Er, is this comment section filled with people who have never watched football before? Not defending the hit, dude should have been ejected and will likely get suspended, but this isn’t exactly brand new or anything. There’s at least 30 or 40 hits from last season that were just as vicious or worse. Is it because this

Have you SEEN the rest of the world? Look at all the people who want different colored controllers. Hell, some people even take their consoles apart to give it a new shell. Look at how many people customize their phones, especially with widgets. Look at all the people who pre-order games based on getting some cosmetic

It took me 30 seconds to make a better Sonic Mania icon, and most of that was searching for the images.

That might be the worst idea I’ve heard regarding this.

Oh, I’m sure actual categories will be added in one of the eShop updates, though maybe not until early 2018.

Really? I mean, they are fine are tiny mobile icons, but the Switch’s icons are HUGE, about 4x the size of the icons on your average iPad.

I’m so sick of that damn green banner. If there is an AdBlock that will only get rid of that banner, I would gladly download it.

Most people would just be happy for a shot of the main character and the logo. For physical titles, I’d wager most people would be perfectly content having the icon be a modified version of the coverart. For indie titles, most gamers are fine with the process used for the Shantae model up there: A piece of stock art,

See, that’s the thing. People aren’t asking for works of art that can be put in a museum. They just want a piece of stock art and the logo, minimum. Nobody was complaining about Infinite Minigolf’s icon. Nobody was saying it’s a great piece of art or anything, but it had a piece of stock art and the logo, so it wasn’t

Most people don’t actually care what the actual icon looks like, though, as long as it has a decent image and the title. For example, few really complained about the Lightspear icon. A few might have thought it wasn’t a great icon, but it wasn’t anything anybody raised a stink about since it had art and the title. So,

Here’s how I screen for spam callers:

That’s kinda the problem, as a lot of the problematic images DON’T have the title in the icon.

It is the epitome of first world problems, but yea, with the Switch icons being as big as they are there’s no excuse not to have the logo and a stock image as part of the icon art. Plus, it just looks nicer.

Maybe it’s because I really enjoy Mike Tirico or maybe it’s because he’s so straight-laced compared to the bombastic Jon Gruden, but I’ve found Sean McDonough to be rather boring or unexciting during Monday Night Football. He feels like one of those B or C-level announcers that CBS and Fox send to the dreg games that

At least it won’t be an expensive disaster when it’s released. Any needed effects would be extremely routine for most effect houses and there’s no aliens or weird super powers or anything like that to bloat the budget.

I don’t follow the college basketball scene, but was he ever accused of or found to be cheating on the court? From what I can gather, all of his violations are for stuff off the court like the escorts or bribery or recruitment. Did he actually cheat during a game?

I didn’t dismiss anything. Somebody probably flagged it.

That dude sitting opposite Sideshow Bob? That’s me. Every time somebody says “Boku no” I wanna slap them upside their heads.

You’ve obviously never done voice acting, ESPECIALLY for video games.

Zelda’s Adventure is 1,000x worse than Faces of Evil. Faces of Evil is playable.