Also, the other Directs had some exclusive trailers. Europe is getting a new Style Savvy game while Japan is getting a 3rd Dillon’s Rolling Western game as well as a F2P port of Phantasy Star Online 2.
Also, the other Directs had some exclusive trailers. Europe is getting a new Style Savvy game while Japan is getting a 3rd Dillon’s Rolling Western game as well as a F2P port of Phantasy Star Online 2.
You’ll probably have to rely on retailers for that.
Please tell I’m not the only one who doesn’t really care about this.
Likely the same as the Splatoon bundle at $380.
Now if we can just get an announcement for Heroes. I don’t care if the full game is as choppy as the Japanese demo. I wants it.
Unless all of those games are coming out before February, it ain’t happening.
Both original EW and the newer designs. The one above just has too much clutter. OG Wing Zero is perfect just the way it is.
I really don’t like the Endless Waltz designs enough to upgrade from my original HG Wing Zero from 15 years ago.
So, the only time I’ve ever been exposed to what Homestuck actually was was when Linkara reviewed it on Atop the Fourth Wall a while back.
eBay is also a good option since most of the kits include Free Shipping.
Meh, I’ve built about 5 or 6 Real Grade kits and have had mixed results. I love the RX-78-2 kit, but the GP01b kit pops apart if you so much as look at it funny and Freedom’s wings become loose very, very easily. Aile Strike’s backpack also means it has to constantly lean forward so it doesn’t tip over.
I believe the reasoning behind having two or three games the day after everybody else is due to the whole “Everyone has an off day immediately after Opening Day in case of a rainout” deal. That way, if there are no rainouts, there are still a few games going on and the entire league doesn’t take the day off.
I believe the inner frame are only on the Perfect Grade (1/60 scale) and Real Grade (1/144 scale) kits. Not sure about Master Grade (1/100 scale) since I haven’t built on in a decade. I know the High Grade (also 1/144 scale) do not have skeletons unless it’s a very, very recent addition.
For one thing, it raises awareness of a game, especially for smaller indie titles. There’s ample evidence everywhere that getting featured on a large Let’s Play channel has boosted a game’s sales multifold. There are people who would have never given the game a second thought otherwise.
Problem is, the only gaming personality that is anywhere close to being as popular is Markiplier. The third most popular is probably either MatPat or the Game Grumps and they have nowhere near the amount of mainstream attention Pewds or Mark has.
Still have a long way to go to equal the Bad Quarterback Fantasy League.
Yep, because each and every Let’s Player in the world is a racist asshole and all act like Pewdipie. Every. Single. One.
Uh, he was already extremely popular before the mainstream media found him.
Might have considered this if Tecmo Bowl still had the NFL PA license.
As long as he’s considered “The Face of YouTube,” ESPECIALLY of the gaming side, they’ll keep covering him.