
You think Heat fans would have taken the fire escape?

I fully expected an Eli joke here.

Dick Conspicuous.

Richie's attempts to slip in to Denver unnoticed failed when he checked into a hotel under the name "R. Definitelynottheguyeveryonehates."

That guy should really change his name to Richie Conspicuous, just for accuracy's sake.

I will tolerate manslaughter; I will tolerate wife and/or child beating; I will tolerate trafficking destructive drugs; and I will tolerate DUIs. But I cannot and will not tolerate the teasing of a fellow NFL player!


Not unlike the JFK assassination, I find myself wishing this event was filmed from a second angle at the bottom of a cement staircase.

last night did one thing for me. it clarified rex ryan needs to go.

A home start against a toothless Carolina defense was a gentle way to ease Sanchez in.

Jim's is good, Tony Luke's is ok... Both are better options than either Pat's or Geno's. I usually direct people to Jim's if they insist on cheesesteaks but I really, really like the roast pork sandwhiches at John's Roast Pork and Dinic's.

The Panther-Beating, Garbage-Eating Philadelphia Phenomenon

"Wish I could have had those results." —Rex Ryan

"Wish I could have had that cheesesteak." —Rob Ryan

Fan 1: Ohio!

Terrific display of manliness from Leafs guy who pours the beer on Sens guy and immediately runs away.

Another shining example of the gulf in toughness/manliness/blue-collar grit between hockey and basketball, as I'm sure that hoops fans would've taken the escalator.

Those guys are real idiots. I mean, who in their right mind is a Leafs fan?

You might say it was a stairing contest.