He was talking about her new boyfriend who was there but, the point does that he's a professional fighter vs. what I would assume wasn't another professional fighter...but, considering Christy Mack's type it wouldn't be that unlikely.
He was talking about her new boyfriend who was there but, the point does that he's a professional fighter vs. what I would assume wasn't another professional fighter...but, considering Christy Mack's type it wouldn't be that unlikely.
I think the Bears would be willing to trade Cutler for Palmer straight up right now. You guys should make the call.
It would but since America has stepped up to the plate they are probably happy to let us burn dollars stopping them.
Apparently you don't remember the part where Al Queda was formed from the Afghan mujahideen that fought the Soviets for so long. Russia will fight when it needs to.
I'd say it's time to fly some B-2s near the Russian border to scare them off but, they'd never know it was there.
If they were so smart they wouldn't be made of delicious bacon. They evolved poorly by tasting so good.
You're not wrong, she's an idiot and doesn't deserve the cash.
Well there are thousands of people on here telling me I can make millions working for Google. Are they all lying?
I think Jezebel is obsessed with hating on everything that even semi-relates to MRA or PUA movement to the point where it's crazy feminazis going absolutely nuts.
2. "So What?" - Delonte West
Damn you totally beat me to this.
Sadly, ever time I think with kids with Cancer the first thing I always think of the Terms of Enragement Archer episode and this part.
ARCHER: Wh-?! So I've been treating my breast cancer with sugar pills?!
KRIEGER: Yeah, you didn't think it was weird your chemo drugs were chewable? ARCHER: No! Little kids get cancer!
...provided they are still alive when I find out about them.
You can do anything on those damn segways nowadays.
Yeah but he was old enough to be her father...so there is that.
Yeah but at least he didn't get like 10 concussions so he'll remember that he once had a dream.
I am really hope to read 82 of these articles this year and I'm not even being sarcastic. I hate Boozer, hate Kobe, and hate the Lakers so I'm loving this.
Because most of the liberal audience would rather complain than act. See Gamergate. Despite being in the moral wrong and minority here they are organized and actually went through with spamming companies with mailers etc. that are getting the women and sites blackballed. This is via a wide margin too. Liberals mostly…
If you really care you get your absentee balloting taken care of and mailed out. It's not hard. That being said due to sheer stupidity with dates I, for only the second time in 7 years of voting, botched that one.
Also totally agree on the replacing Columbus Day with Election day. Makes so much more sense.