
I don't know, one of the reasons GSP is so popular is that he was super humble ( I mean he's Canadian so come on). Also people hated Anderson Silva for that same reason too.

Yeah when dealing with you I realized I'd have to cut it down to the size of a tweet since you're too stupid to process anything else.

Not going to happen until you shut the fuck up because you're 100x worse.

I should have realized you lacked the ability to comprehend something that long. In summary, go fuck yourself.

To quote from Vin Diesel in the Fast and the Furious, "I've got nothing but time."

Also, judging from this you've got the nice large fucking rage issue as you've taken nearly every single commentator on here who obviously recognized you're a fucking dumbass. I've just got to deal with you, seems simple. As for pissing

Compared to great hits like:

"Boys will be boys, right? Fuck you."

"I try to kick random men. I just do."

"Because not everyone in the world is as stupid and awful as you are. That's why some of us are still surprised. Now fuck the fuck off."

"Oh shut the fuck up."

it makes me look like Stephen Hawking explaining physics

Yeah because we've had oh so many enlightening comments from your fucking idiotic commenting during this time period.

Or rolling in piles of that sweet, sweet, Jew gold.

Maybe if you typed with your toes it'd take longer you could then process what a fucking moron you were before commenting.

How about you go fucking break your fingers so you can't type? It would save a lot of grey area on here.


"I've seen countless face book arguments where men I've always found to be pleasant and respectful"

If you're getting that many instances of this you might be the one who's crazy. Of course crazy people never seem to grasp that. I'd check and see the context you put it in when you said it as most of you here are super

No add a year to that. They added Dwight Howard and a then healthy Steve Nash to the team and were expected to dominate the next few years. Of course without the Suns medical staff Steve Nash's body broke down like a mummy dug up and exposed to the elements for the first time in years and Dwight Howard cried his way

True but if you randomly smile at another guy they are going to assume you're probably gay.

To be fair most guys that I know usually do the casual head nod if you accidentally catch another guys eye. Never a statement but the head nod is pretty common man-speak.

Who says they didn't? About 15 seconds after the fight began some cops show up and grab the guy and that's only about 1:30 in at total. Airports last I checked were large and crowded so who knows where they were coming from.

I'll agree with you the TSA is bullshit but the idea not leaving your post for minor scuffles

Not really bullshit when you think that a distraction is a pretty normal way to get someone to leave a post unattended. I mean it's like freaking heist/crime movie 101.

Now playing

If Madison Rising made it The Fray definitely deserves a spot. This was an absolute disgrace. I almost considered moving to China after that.

Short of forcing the students to take it as an administrative mandate how else? In college I wouldn't do anything without some incentive and that's what they did. Force a class to do it and lower your sample size to another group as well. I'd say this isn't too bad as long as you get a large enough chunk of the

That's going to ruin a lot of surveys as that's pretty much how all of them are collected as you generally can't force people to do studies or take surveys.