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I don't know if it beats this Cialis ad.

Yeah, I really just remember hearing, "why the heck do we need more coins?"

Nike is too cool and hip for the old Michigan alums.

You also have to factor in that tuition at Michigan is ridiculous too. I was out of state and the realistic projection of costs for me to attend (tuition, room and board, travel etc) was close to $42k a year. I instead stayed at home and went to Miami University.

To be fair to Michigan fans if we were 5-0 Morris wouldn't have been in! That being said you're 100% correct.

I love karma - Drew Bledsoe

Yeah thats what I was saying. The fact you were saying that with the user name Keith Moon was a bit ironic.

I've actually thought the first part but not the second. #Mindblown

Since your name is Keith Moon that's kind of ironic.

Yes but they didn't even have reasonable doubt to send it to trial which is what a Grand Jury is for. I think Stewart either settles quickly to get it over with or wins in court when it comes outright as Ward did run onto the track, if he stays put that never happens.

...Much of that work has been informed by several talented female colleagues from our television and espnW platforms, including Hannah Storm, Jemele Hill, Jane McManus, Kate Fagan, Sarah Spain and more.

Hannah Storm eh? How can you take her seriously when she's dressed like that. -

Man that goes both ways. Sometimes its like a cat with too many mice in the hands. I've had that happen 2 times when I hit it off with two girls at the same time multiple times. One time I tried to juggle both and failed, the second I locked into one and the other ended up dating another guy while the one fell

Man I keep seeing that a lot from my Michigan fan friends. I think they forgot that he got by in an era where the team with the best players won. He called a predicable offense that involved pretty much went run left, run left, throw deep on a streak, and then screen pass with no blockers on a repeated loop.

We appreciate it and hope we can get to the level where we are worthy of your scorn and derision once again.

Ray Rice joke.

We just need to fall under 100k for multiple games to get the boosters scared into firing Brandon. The new guy won't be nearly moronic enough to keep Hoke after that and our problems are solved. That is of course if Brandon doesn't jettison Hoke in order to save his job prior to that.

If they don't like that it's probably because you suck at giving head. <—Pun intended.