
I was one of the people who was like, well we don't know what was on video...now that we do I'm perfectly fine with crucifying Ray Rice.

"I am more amused by the epic cluelessness of it and how ironically it opens up another completely unintentional can of worms of about how black people don't have a huge amount of disposable income."

Well considering an Atlanta HOCKEY team sells more merchandise he might have point there.

Yeah but when you have numbers to back it up...

Thanks V.

Except all the damn snipers keep getting Tommy John's surgery.

Haha yeah it'd be pretty funny to try to get them to get that one enforced considering it's the EU stopping them from selling the ships and their is no way the UN would do shit either since France is on the Security Council. Russia's boned.

Sean Hannity learns Asian came to America to learn Spanish

-Throws desk against wall.

Melky needs a thunder buddy.

I can't believe no one knew Danny Devito was a Rays fan.

GM had literally millions of recalls and 13 wrongful deaths+ to account for. They are still around, that being said they were bankrupt recently but mainly because of other shittiness.

Your mistake is thinking it's "A" hotdog. What you're missing is the preceding 10 or so.

"I want to play with a traditional center again." - Lebron James

Dan Gilbert - Offers Elephant Mid-Level Exception

As an Asian I hate that Pakistanis get grouped in with us. Like can we just cut off the entire Middle East from Asia? Like now?

Well yeah it's the MLS in America. That being said Canada is involved as they have a team too.

Ah European, got it. Also, Baseball is huge internationally just not in Europe. The South American and Asian countries love it.

Yeah considering it's Verlander's phone that got hacked and not Kate Uptons.

Is that really what you want though? I mean seriously half the articles leading up the Guardians of the Galaxy release were threads here where women were literally drooling over Chris Pratt.

Well he might even be as famous as Kate Upton. He did win the MVP Award as a pitcher which is freaking hard to do.

Welp, I know a totally relevant comment that's going to be permanently stuck in the grey.

Well technically, it has to be "fighting words" and those are sort of loosely defined but, for the most part your wrong. The first amendment protects things like Klan marches and the Westboro Baptist Church along with a whole host of undesirable things because silencing the public is worse than that. That being said