
I did that to a Mercedes in a parking garage once. My Dad was driving when this Mercedes pulled in (it was a tight space) and just scraped the side of my families minivan and left a huge scratch down the side. The guy driving it gets out, looks at us in the car with our windows down, says nothing, and walks away. I

If you can David Wilson will find a way.


Yes, but I'd imagine you'd state that ahead of time.

As to why Renly didn't have a POV? I'd say that's very relevant.

B Minus doesn't have the same ring to it. That being said they should have called the program PI and everyone would have been better for it.

Yeah since the Texans stole away so many fans. Cowboys own Texas and that won't change with the even shittier Raiders coming to town.

Or just to be fair to Archie, he might be so worried about appearing biased he works against them even if they might be more deserving.

You know for some reason when you mess with the age parameters and distance parameters you get people that show up in a tighter search that should show up in a broad search. That's why I occasionally search matches via age ranges and often find people I'd never see otherwise.

You guys obviously don't watch college basketball if you think that this is limited to just women. Brandon Davies, a star player on the BYU team that had Jimmer Fredette, got kicked off the team for a whole year for just having consensual sex. Seriously, they take it seriously for everyone.

That being said Mormons are

Any Martell POV is one that's not white. Any Targaryan POV is not "white". Also, there are a ton of fictional races. I generally don't read violet eyes, and silver hair then think those Aryan bastards!

Name one other major fantasy novel that has any LGBT, woman POVs, or multiple colored people in it. Seriously, read the character descriptions and they people there barely fit the demographics at all. There are people in that world with BLUE HAIR! The Dornish are described more like people from the Middle East than

Yeah just like when Loras takes Dragonstone after getting stabbed, shot with arrows, hit with rocks, and having burning pitch dumped on him! What a joke of a man! Or that time when Oberyn Martell like totally decides to fight the largest and strongest man in Westeros. Obviously, no one took him seriously either.

You do realize that not a single King has a POV. He's also stated he did that for a reason too. No Robb Stark, no Joffery, no Stannis, and no Balon POVs so Renly didn't get one either. Not like GRRM was like, "lol let's leave the gay guy out."

That's because on Fox News he was paid to be crazy since it got ratings. If you listen to him on radio and real debates/interviews he's not too bad.

<Cum .gif>

Personally, I don't think the schools should pay any of the athletes any money outside of scholarship and stipends. That being said, they shouldn't stop them from capitalizing on endorsements etc. that come from the recognition they get. That way you can avoid Title IX spending and still get the money makers paid.

Considering I had internet lawyer ahead of that I think you missed the obvious sarcasm there.

Best way to enact change, cost them $.

Yeah I walked home from school (3/4th) a mile from my home at that age and would walk to the park by myself. Not a big deal so grilling this mom is total bullshit.