Another take: Rickon is a fucking idiot, who threw away the chance for Ned Stark’s only legitimate, non-magic son to rule because he didn’t know how to run serpentine.
Another take: Rickon is a fucking idiot, who threw away the chance for Ned Stark’s only legitimate, non-magic son to rule because he didn’t know how to run serpentine.
Well, we were still there, so let’s see: my friend got her face licked by a washed up actor, some guy asked if I was “eastern European” and then tried to put his arm around my waist, I was standing next to both James O’Keefe and Charles Johnson for a time, and then I went back to the hotel and ate M&Ms and left for…
At this point, would it matter if he was a plant? You can’t claim someone is trolling you with an unelectable candidate and then elect the troll.
Your insistence on properly identifying parts of speech is what’s keeping us from the revolution
Bernie!!!!! My dude!! Love your passion!!
Hell, it’s not even trickle down economics anymore. Apparently, you’re supposed to just be happy to be in the physical vicinity of that kind of money.
I don’t see how that changes the answers. Literally every era prior to the present one is ranked worse than being hit by a car, in large part because of stuff like the example you gave.
Maybe true, but an asteroid capture is way more interesting and should always be the lede. Always.
“...when they will rehearse for an encounter with a captured asteroid that will be parked in lunar orbit ahead of their launch.”
This is the first thing I see when I open the internet today. Who knew a 15 year old from Iowa could give me such joy on my birthday? I feel like Jared Fogle.
Average Russian is a LOT better now than under USSR. The living standard is way higher. In USSR, at best an average middle-class Russian could hope was to afford to buy a Lada car (one for lifetime usually), own lousy soviet consumer electronics, and spend a summer vacation at the Soviet Union resort in Black Sea, in…
Russia would largely be fighting along its own border areas
I dunno what Gen. Odierno is talking about. The fact that Russia uses a different gauge has been a very well known fact for a very long time. Hell, I think they make reference to it in a late 1980s/early 1990s Tom Clancy movie. Maybe I’m thinking of something else, but different rail gauges has been something the DoD…
It’s easy to be cynical about celebrities in general, especially since Bill Cosby turned out to be a fucking monster. But you have to be pretty dead inside not to be inclined to believe, based on the words of Colbert especially as well as those of others, and the mere fact that, like, EVERYBODY contributed and most…
It’s interesting to me that people who easily see gender as a construct see race as somehow essentialist. Race is also a construct; the idea of race as we perceive it (i.e. related to a geographic genetic heritage) is pretty recent, and some have argued, came about to justify European colonialism/slave trade.
I guess I’m an older millennial (‘87), but knowing there are people in my generation who don’t know about Ja Rule is just murdaaaaaaaaa to my heart.
Some people keep questioning the legality of the nine dash line. My point is not about the legality. My point is that beside China's claim was based on the historical background, the nine dash line was the result of WW II in order for China to control / administer the islets/reefs within the nine dash line. After a…