
There are more meaningful and well written seasons of ‘Power Rangers’ than this mish mosh of expensive nonsense. The wasted potential of digging into the dark side is just bewildering and really should be considered a betrayal to real fans. If the people responsible for this ever work again it that will be a

In regards to the title of your clickbait, while it certainly could have, it did not. Are your standards low or do you shine turds for early access or some other ultimately meaningless perk?

The authors on this and its sibling websites really are an echo chamber of one-sided nonsense.

That did seem pretty tone deaf, but is it also is an indicator that the academy is focused on the art and not necessarily the artists?

F#ck you, pussy. You are ruining the word for sane people.

This is inspired casting. He really should have gotten that stinker of a “Doom” movie.

Interesting if that’s your go-to yardstick...

Fuck you coon losers.

God you are an idiot...Star Trek broke racial barriers single-handedly. You guys have blown this little bubble you surround yourselves with, with zero skepticism for any of these race peddling do-nothings.

 Race peddling morons.

Or a presumptive race peddling asshole?


This is the most race-baiting, self-serving nonsense ever.

Fuck you group think anti-intellectuals.

Race peddling and identity politics...you losers are just adorable in your shallow self-defeatism...I know you won’t let this comment show up on your little confirmation bias comment system, but you will see it and no matter how committed you are to your myopic paradigm, you know deep down that your pity party

Knowing this website, this somehow a white persons fault...


You. Are. Dumb and Uninformed.

If this is your response to JM not voting for that shitty repeal bill, then you my friend should be tested for retardation...moron.