
Damn. For a few joyous moments there, I thought the headline said “Mysterious Sith Season”.


Well, maybe it’s just me, but that picture is one sexy Neanderthal...

So, if this animal is using passive sonar, if you will, then why depict it with a modern melon (the bulge at the head, where modern whales produce their high-frequency clicks)?

They would have done it faster, but they were also playing Pokemon Go...

I LOLd at the lion getting a CAT scan...

What are those, oversized grenades on her chest?

I reiterate: ‘selfies’ are a gateway drug.


I’ll second that.

Apparently, it crossed several minds...

Atfer having read numerous accounts of humpbacks (among others) attacking, and even hunting whaling ships in the sixteenth through nineteenth centuries (including those stories that inspired Moby Dick), I have no doubt that these humpbacks are attacking the orca in order to protect their pods.

And yet the ‘laws of friction’ were ‘discovered’ two hundred years after Leonardo made these markings. Give him the credit he’s due.

Maybe it’s just me; but this looks goofy as hell.

I still have a 5.25" drive at home, as well as a Zip-100 parallel...

Is that a kind of Pokemon?

Because, if we are going to have little helicopters flying around our neighborhood, the least they can do is not crash into the tree out front.

Do we really want to know the answer to that question?

I accept as fact that human beings don’t fully mature until their early twenties; regardless of whether they are kicked out of the house at twelve or twenty. I am also aware that there is a minority who may never ‘grow up’. Acting like a child into one’s adulthood, to me, is more a consequence of social status rather

Great idea. Now get off my Lawn!