
There was a highly capable cohort of sailors who performed off-aircraft maintenance of those aircraft parts; a majority of it done right there on the carrier.

You are not the only one to notice this. The problem is that it would require the cooperation of a lot a conservative brass and a twenty-five year plan to consolidate and draw down without destroying our national defense capability and economy (imagine dumping a few thousand veterans into an at-capacity job market).

There was a series of fires in the mid-60s; the Forrestal was kind of the last straw that caused the Navy to completely revamp their damage control and firefighting curriculae.

Coal Sea’s (CV-43) last deckload consisted of the following (as best I can recall... That was 25 years ago):

Sounds like my kind of course... Looks like $475 for a 14 week session.

At first, I thought the title said “The Childhood’s End Miseries”.

I’d say not overlooked so much as hidden behind a curtain of sexism.

Did you miss the part where they’ve been in dialog with CBS/Paramount for quite some time? That the project has gotten as far as it has is because the copyright owners allowed it to happen. To suddenly decide that “this has gone too far” after a year’s worth of work is kind of a dick move on the part of someone.

... and people can die from scentless violence?

I think I’d wait for a more holistic approach: HUD-type display integrated into the glasses/sunglasses.

Of course, I didn’t actually buy anything...

My daughter (inadvertently, she insists) wondered what ewok would taste like as we were headed into the theater. My son replied, “like Wookie, but gamier.”

I’m rather glad they don't.

... or a Riot Sqrrl?

Picked up Silence of the Lambs... Good book made better by a good movie.

Picked up Silence of the Lambs... Good book made better by a good movie.

Was the incriminating evidence brought in by an heroic rouge cop?

I’ve never tried it out of a can... Dngrswife only eats it fresh; I just don’t like the way it tastes.

LOL... Ambiguity is ambiguous.

Smelly urine notwithstanding; I just don’t like the way it tastes...

Sure, thermal camera on drone is nice...