

Works for me!

When does the comet return? Imagine someone’s surprise decades from now when a comet starts sending cryptic radio signals...

I was trying to explain the whole “brine doesn’t immediately dissolve into the ocean”concept to some people just yesterday (my overall theme was possible environmental impacts of shoreside desalination plants), and they thought I was full of crap. Now I get to point to this article. :)

They can’t force an update if I don’t turn it on. Linux FTW.

Anyone want to bet he’s packing his bags right now?

Much as I despise MS Word’s grammar checker for promoting the blandification of language and actively opposing artful writing, this tool looks like a good idea for posting on websites and forums.

Wow; a sciency post that hasn’t gotten that stoopid “aliens” meme commented in. Will wonders never cease?

I haven’t kept track of Brewer... actually, since I retired I haven’t talked to but four or five old shipmates. Mostly on Together We Served...

I want Valentine’s day cards with that heart region on ‘em... You know, for plutonic relationships.

I live in a desert... Groundwater (what’s left of it) is a few hundred feet down.

The ice cap on Charon is called “Mordor”... That’s all I needed to learn.

I read somewhere that it is cheaper to just dump them in a storage yard than to move empty ones back overseas or whatever.

My plan was to just bury the damn things... Put ‘em a few feet underground and the heat issue will be solved.

“Case closed, Dammit.”

The other half of my post that I didn’t publish was noting how Shakespeare wrote in such a way that a skilled thespian would be able to convey the exact emotions/meanings the author wanted to be displayed...

Haters gotta troll? LOL

If you want to chat some more, my username is my email addy... with those Guys who have their non-evil hands in everything.

Damn, its been too long; can’t remember the supervisor’s name up there... the AT2 LPO up in the vans picked up 1st, IIRC... he was one of my proteges; I put him in charge of my SAF section when I left.

Then I definitely know you, Shipmate. I was Branch LPO for the tunnel (Radar, FLIR shops) and ran the berthing during latter half of the ‘02 cruise.