
If you've got thirty stickies pasted to your monitor, I think you have bigger problems than just remembering to pick up milk...

I wonder if they would allow unicorns with sharks for hands...

Yosemite Valley is a perfect example of what happens when a glacier encounters rock: the valley is dug deep with step sides and the rock along the sides is scoured away and sometimes highly polished (depending on the hardness of the rock and other factors).

I reached the future when I had my flip-phone (or, as I called it, my Kirk-phone). Now I have a so-called smart phone, and so I must be in the post-future. :p

It does seem to me kind of weird that this carton comes with a substance that bears only a passing resemblance to actual milk that came from a cow.

Hahaha! They never get tired of that "pointy end of the spear" metaphor...

It's in damn good shape for a piece of 3,500-year-old bronze...

The North Atlantic was definitely much worse. I was on Coral Sea (CV-43) doing workups in the NA during a Nor'easter. Everything had to be tied down and I was literally walking aon the bulkhead on the second deck a few times...


Teal is Dngrswife's favorite color, so definitely sold.

First thought I had on seeing the animation is the wind is going to shred that.

What is it about?

Might as well name it Bad Ideas in Scripting...

That is truly sad... I'm old enough to remember when hacking was usually a good thing.

I'm too poor to be able to follow the comics, and don't watch television, so my exposure to the entire DC universe is third-hand at best.

I own no Apple devices; so one lightning cable is too many.

back in the day, we called them scriptkiddies.

friggin' lasers optional.

I remember this guy who would come to my elementary school and show of his Moog... Took up the whole stage.
