
No, actually. The cost of a 5KW array for home use is one third the price that it was just eight years ago. Subsidies have little to do with it.

This seems like another attempt to make the iPad useful for something.

Dude, that doesn't even make sense.

So, how long before little Suzy Raver gets a bunch of these implanted under her skin so that she lights up like a disco ball at dance parties?

My original thought upon reading the title was, "man, that's got to be a big can," but then I realized that they probably cremated him first... gotta wonder if they went the extra step and made chips out of the ashes, though.

Great, we know where they are at! Now what?

A workable solution that may determine that the ancestor of this person bled on this item of clothing... circumstantial at best.

No... not creepy at all.

Good thing Scotland Yard has a DNA database that goes back to Victorian times...

He is the epitome of pugilistic poultry...

Bah, I have no idea what's going on now... my phone won't do the videos and my work computer is restricted... I'll have to watch the playback later.

I am imagining C-3PO holding a sponge and blithering like the idiot he is about the victim's odds of surviving this whole ordeal.

Looks like 2:45 / 1445 EDT now.


Theoretically, costs are reduced because there is less materiel connecting the panel to the storage, and fewer losses through transmission between the two. Also, less heat generated means less degradation over time, as a general rule.

BP tried that.

I wonder how long it takes to actually pull these rigs out, and why thay want to... I know in California, the offshore rigs are prime habitats.

But does it come with a hose for watering down the coach at the end of the game?

I know I get the munchies something fierce when I don't get enough sleep...

Wasn't this a Simpson's episode?