
As long as water is priced so cheaply that everyone can afford to water their lawns, California won't see much relief, I'm afraid.

I have seven remotes in my house. Guess how many can be found at any particular moment. Then guess what the odds are that it is the one I need right now.

I was under the impression that Lovecraft's properties were still being actively protected, at least in the US

That Mrs. Kravitz...

Your rhetorical question implies tacit approval.

I just know that there is a "chip of fools" joke in here somewhere...

Actually, no.

how does one convince the goats to eat only the invasive species?

The real worry is that the virus may acquire a more transmissible nature. That is, if it were to become an airborne contagion, then things would really heat up, so to speak.

Additionally, he was not infectious until he began displaying symptoms.

Assuming you know how to use those tools. Therein lies the essential problem I am highlighting.

In fact, about the only thing that would be more gratifying for me to watch than this would be a montage of Baldwin deaths.

so, what you are saying is that every complex animal has a personality... except my ex.

it's a cat named Fail.

That's no moon...

one more to add to the list... Once the site is back up and running.

I am of many minds on this whole debate...

I actually enjoy writing with a pen. That is, I would enjoy it were it not for an unfortunate disability which make handwriting dowright painful after a few words (particularly since I have to write on carbonless forms at work and have to press down for proper transfer of my text).

AH, that explains my confusion... when I still dodging Hawkeyes in the hangar bay, they had 4-bladed props.