I know I wasn’t the only person that cried during this scene. Right???
I know I wasn’t the only person that cried during this scene. Right???
This is the only angry birds movie that we need.
Fuck soccer with zero lube. In the nose. Seriously. Futball sucks out loud. Quit fucking talking about it already. I’d rather pound salt up my ass than read one more blerg about this pussy bullshit nonsense. same goes for unspoken baseball rules and Russell Westbrook, Blake griffin, Johnny football, dickhead on the…
This happened because he took his manager’s advice.
Fuck your Facebook page.
There’s is definitely reason for optimism.
To be fair, yeah - just the thought of that alone gives me chills.
Agreed. Did you ever think you would be breaking down high school women’s soccer on an April Saturday morning with an internet stranger? Me neither.
It’s a better idea to list real pros and cons of both candidates then the bs you posted. But then, you aren’t looking for dialog, just pushing opinion.
I can’t find a video/Vine of it, but the Nova possession that ended with Phil Booth’s jumper with 3:07 was how this entire game felt as a Carolina fan. Play as well as you can, but ultimately Nova just hit difficult shots in clutch situations.
Hmm, he is being very secretive about this injury. Very withdrawn. Very different. It’s like there are two sides of him. Like he has two faces...
UNI grad here. It's Cedar Falls, not Cedar Rapids. No problem though, same mistake that Bill Simmons made over and over, and I know how you guys look up to him.
Honestly the best sports gif.
Jose Fernandez: so much fun.
A half-bicycle is just one cycle, dude.
That’s exactly what happened to me. Thank you World Cup 2006, you created a soccer fan for life.
I watched this live, there wasn’t even one coaches challenge, no Pheel Sims, no terrible pandering advertisements, It was great.