
I love that you think ISIS is an “activist group” that chose the name for themselves.

They are not activists. They will gladly cut your head of....

Yeah, it’s really tragic and frustrating that I can’t use a word anymore. My agony is so intense. Probably even on par with the people whose families and villages have been destroyed by ISIS, maybe even worse.

Although Pepsi is a sponsor, Michael Irvin insisted on bringing all the Coke and everyone smiled.

Get a dog...no one names a dog Isis...ever.

“...the stupid activist group.”

You still can’t use 卐 without people thinking nazi and thinking its inappropriate. Say goodbye to Isis.

So you’re saying ISIS is trying to infiltrate Israel by magically beaming themselves across the borders?

The first time I heard “Burning jet fuel can’t melt steel beams,” I immediately thought “But you don’t have to melt them for them to lose strength, you idiot.”

He knows a lot of jet fuel personally, and steel beams LOVE him.

Yes. These people are so anti-intellectual it’s impossible to *not* talk down to them.

I’m gonna hold off on forming an opinion until Trump weighs in on this. He knows a lot about New York and he says what he means.

There’s something else I think needs to be pointed out here.

It fell in an accelerating cascade, because as soon as the structure at floor X failed, then the floor below it was carrying two floors of weight, also weakend by heat, it gave way quickly and then the one below that was carrying 3 floors of weight, so it snapped right away, and so on and so on. By the time it got

well, if it’s such a noodle, why doesn’t he throw it on a wall and see if it sticks???

Panthers wielding bats are pretty intimidating. Far more so than the dogs with bees in their mouths and when they bark they shoot bees at you!

"A little thing that can turn into anything at anytime."