
Agreed. I have been playing since day 1 and agree. I haven’t thrown any money at it yet, got both of the 5 stars from the last event and already have the Halloween Elissane. This is playing a little bit through out the day.

FUNDING!!! I switched from standard neck pillow to Caibou Evolution to the Caibou Evolution Cool to the TRTL. TRTL is the best thing that happened to me as a traveler. I usually do 6-9 hour redeyes to sleep before my destination. They used to be interrupted by my Noise cancellers getting knocked off or other problems

FUNDING!!! I switched from standard neck pillow to Caibou Evolution to the Caibou Evolution Cool to the TRTL. TRTL

Technically the audience claps when the sign turns on to tell them to.

FFVIII is hopefully burning in hot fire.

Hmmm now pre-ordering the re-master of 1 and 2 seemed a little hasty. I was hoping it would be winter or spring of 2019...I have the feeling its really winter or spring 2020....

Totally, Totally Agree.

I would recommend Persona 3 or 4 over P5.

The Fifth Element looks perfect for it!!

Being the guy that randomly sprays fire at the builders I can appreciate his statement. I am neither good at shooting or building and if he is good at one of the key elements of winning the game I’m sure I wouldn’t want that taken away.

Uh oh, do I smell Master Chief coming to SSB.

The Switch has finally spoiled me, but the Vita always has. The displays on the 3DS and 2DS are just hard to look at.


Why are we so focused on what we don’t have? In this case his money. Envy has been driving our society for so damn long - Being famous, rich, talented (especially if you don’t have talent). What if we took that energy and focused on ourselves? What if we filled that apparently empty space with something other than

Both Trackmania and Madmax have been on my shortlist! Happy to get to these after I wear myself out with FarCry :)

The question is, how will it benefit them? This is a PR feature not a functional one that creates a reason to purchase one console or the other. The Power is to the Players that invest in their console.

Building an eco-system of I.P. that doesn’t involve their competitors or dealing with connecting to them doesn’t sound petty, it sounds like practical business sense. I fail to see how this feature sells Sony or Microsoft more units or games.

Sony is a Japanese company, so they will likely make more decisions that benefit them as a Japanese company. Why would they make a code base change, take up time of their developers and testing to enable cross-play on a console that has barely sold 100k in its lifetime in Japan (Xbox One)? In Japan you can make a

I agree, everyone wants to jump on the “They don’t wanna play with us” blame game before understanding how business actually runs when it is followed by passionate devotees in our customers. I doubt this has anything with winning or losing, because it will take a LONG way for MS to get to winning in this generation.

Outside of Freedom Wars I actually *gasp* paid for the games I wanted to play. I have loved my Vita since P4G and it has been my travel partner on numerous global trips. 

Um, mine cost $1 when I was checking out. So I bought 2 :)

Um, mine cost $1 when I was checking out. So I bought 2 :)