
And they are great for scraping ice off of our windshields!

Is that a Spanish accent on the "i"?

Could we set up a Kickstarter campaign to buy his drug patent and lower the price to what it used to be?

Works for Trump though…

And poppy seeds…

But you'd ride around on your powder blue hipster bike, right?

I don't think it's sexism as I've noticed more Hollywood men getting work done too. Ageism maybe?

I used to think it was "with the Burgess Shale…" and I thought that was pretty cool (but unusual). Go science!

I think we should even stop with this "cultural appropriation" nonsense in reference to any music. Music is art and why should it have boundaries? Would everyone flip if a black blues artists included bagpipe music, or someone from China played a didgeridoo? It would be akin to telling someone they should only paint

Way to set the bar for the other teachers in that school…

I think you mean "Canada! Giver.", or "Giver big river." if you're really from the boonies. (Or it might be give'r - it's not like we write this stuff down).

"the video also serves as a capsule history of the kind of music that is played at wedding receptions"

Pretty much any song from Trainspotting.

A draw? Here in Canada we believe we won that war!

But the wolfman was swayed by Hecate's talk…

I agree about Hecate's wardrobe, but I kept wondering why they weren't wearing hats. They totally would have had sun stroke. And why did Ethan throw away the empty water skin? He would need it again if he happen to come across water. Yeah, I'll shut up now.

I agree. Plus is there really going to be an end game (don't know my sports expressions - hope I got it right)? Just like human history, it doesn't really end. Someone will win the throne, and they will rule till they die or are overthrown. Then someone else will rule the throne. Lather, rinse, repeat. Unless the ice

Maybe after killing the waif she uses her (the waif's) face to get close to Jaqen and kill him? Then joins the mummers to their next destination?

Not Jimmy Stewart, right? Right? He was a decent gent wasn't he? (Please no one tell me otherwise).