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    "Computer, please direct me to the nearest Toyota dealership."

    Looks like an even more awkward way to draw in 3D.

    I hope they hold the conference the right way.

    It's about how Gizmodo had a prototype of this phone months ago and should have alerted APPLE to the antennae issues.

    @AlienHandSyndrome: Only if the announcement is about letting us use Verizon instead of AT&T.

    Did you know these fuel tanks were designed with dual purposes in mind by NASA engineers?

    "Can you sphere me now?"

    I'm not entirely certain what "irony" means but I'm pretty sure it has something to do with me not being able to view this video on my iPhone.

    Looks perfect.

    I'm afraid if I start waving those glowing sticks around a commercial jet is going to land in my living room.

    Do you need to be a cracked out Apple fanboy to get this joke?

    Blio? Really? So it's a search engine / baby robot dinosaur?

    I know of something that's even smaller and can fly much higher. My soul.

    Witch hunts!