John Connor 2049

Watchmen does have mysteries though. They were just only revealed 7 episodes later. Not sure what the time frame should be between mystery and answer though.

Give him the Pulitzer for the comment

I just need one more Marvel movie and I’m good I swear!

Nah they’re still walking man, still walking...

Bless you

Thats the ultimate sad joke about ourselves

I cant even think of the last Disney hit

Is that the helicopter that took Rick?

I really like these Kelvin Star Treks. They made me a Trekkie in general.

And here....we....GO!

they need to HAVE baby yoda at the premiere

Hey, HEY! this guy didnt buy tickets! someone contact the press NOW!

Thats how mafia works

Wow...I just remembered that was a movie that existed...thank you for unlocking that dark area of my mind.

I still can’t believe they force us to watch these movies!

Greatest star i ever warred.


Some (SOME) really old white people say way more horrendous shit.

stfu motherfocker. stop jealous me assfart

Did you duck?