Dumpster Baby

The headline is the actual lyric to Roxette’s hit from the ‘80s.

QA may have caught it, and filed a defect for it.
BUT, since it doesn’t affect the actual functionality of the game, some Dev Manager probably de-prioritized it as a ‘fix if/when we can/want to’.

You grossly overestimate the power of QA, and any potential respect for their work by developers.

Giving off some serious J.P. vibes

Wait. Are you being facetious?

Yeah, I don’t remember this listicle that they keep churning out after every new big name PS release being a slideshow.

I wonder if the Kinja keep stats on how many click in and click out under a second later once they see a slideshow...

Nailed it!

He’ll probably call himself an engineer, also.

Haven’t had a microwave oven since 1995. I was never able to find a method of using one where the food didn’t feel and taste like it was made of fossil fuels...if the flavor remained at all.

I have an old friend with the last name of Syke. When “psych” happened in our peer group(s), it really let you know which bulbs were the dimmest.

A syke/sike is a small stream that usually dries up in the summer, like a ditch.

The way is no longer paved by game devs and their desire to make a great/cool/innovative/etc game.
The way is now paved by a Board of Directors.

I have to admit that I am curious as to what led you to believe that he is an engineer?

We can hope!

Mastodon rocks!

There is nothing “smart” about Sony’s delivery system.

You can blame players if you like, but I blame Sony’s shit back-end systems.

I’m just waiting for the Uru: Ages Beyond Myst remake.

...but “The Rock” sucks eggs.

We’ll see what the Discovery+ CEO has to say about it in two years...

I would play

Modern Warfare Tutu

Hey, now. Wait a minute.

Those consoles weren’t made on eBay!

- or, rather -

Those consoles were made on eBay?!

Cops are pussies.


Grew up with them. Family members, still in Law Enforcement. They were cowards when we were kids, and grew up afraid. Afraid of so many stupid things, that opening a book or actually listening in social circles or school could have remedied. Nope!

Someone should fix these comments on their slideshows. I’m pretty sure that I won’t be able to ready this comment after I publish it...