I can never have enough dice. I don’t even need anymore, and if I find a set that looks cool, I’ll probably buy them. This is a real problem you get the longer you play.
I can never have enough dice. I don’t even need anymore, and if I find a set that looks cool, I’ll probably buy them. This is a real problem you get the longer you play.
Dread is awesome! Played it at a bachelor party, and we had a great time with it. It is very dependent on your DM’s ability to tell a story though, so make sure whoever is DMing is a good story teller. My group is spoiled by having two creative writing majors who have their master’s degree though.
As for other systems,…
Roll20 has been a godsend for our group. We were a long running group that grew up/went to college in the same area (Within a few towns of each other) and we would meet every Friday night to play. Fast forward a few years, and now we’re spread out across the midwest. Obviously, we had a good thing going, and we didn’t…
Another important thing to remember for new DMs is to be able to roll with the punches if your players go off the path you have planned out. Nothing is more aggravating to a player than being told “Um, no, uh, you can’t do that right now, because of... Uh, reasons.”
A prime example of this is in another RPG system my…
Yep, rule of cool reigns at our table in our group. The DM will rule out things that are obviously out of the question, but sometimes, stuff that’s on the fringe will be allowed because, well, it lets the players have more fun.
This was back in 4th edition (Ew), and we had a ranger who had a bear for an animal…
Booze is a funny thing with D&D. I had a DM who got a little too toasty while playing once, and an encounter that was supposed to be tough due to a ballista having high ground. However, it was a walk in the park, because it fired once... And was promptly forgotten. We like to say the orc running it had gotten into the…
Mark Sanchez: Professional Warm Body.
Same thing, but the Major Test of Strength. Burned through a ton of weapons and food, but dangit, it was worth it. Got some climbing gear out of the deal.
Cubs fan here:
I remember using my shiny new Gameshark Pro back in the day to get the no clip code running so I could go to the island, and man, what a let down. Nothing going on there at all. However, I also used it to unlock cheats that I was way, way not good enough at the game to get, so it evens out.
Plus I also used it to…
Ugh. This stings. CoH was my first foray into MMO’s, and one I look back on very fondly. Why no one has picked it up and brought it back is maddening.
I want this in English so bad. I have a cartridge for both Secret of Mana and Seiken Densetsu 3 (And I play a translated version from the cartridge through the magic of the Retron5), but I’d fork over the cash for an officially translated version on the Switch in a heartbeat.
This is an incredibly solid game. It definitely feels like a technical marvel. I’ve not encountered any glitches so far, and aside from framerate issues, the game is solid as a rock. With the sheer amount of content this game has, that’s nothing short of incredible.
Love me some laser tag. I live by a couple decent places, but the best by far is this place called The Edge. It’s a massive indoor compound, multiple levels, balconies, towers, it’s awesome. Plus, there are occasionally power ups that you can get by shooting targets on the wall when they light up. Stuff that turns the…
Isaac is amazing. I’ve put a combined 400 or so hours on it and the original on Steam. With that being said, I’m still considering buying it on the Switch, just to have it on the go.
Thanks for clearing that up. For everyone.
There was a fine SNES game though. And that’s what everyone was knowingly referring to.
Really wish this was coming out for Switch! I’d love to have these on the go.
Goof Troop for SNES was a great game though. Awesome co-op too.
Was actually at Galloping Ghost (the arcade where the Primal Rage 2 cabinet is at), and gave the game a play. It’s actually a much better game than the original, and feels a lot better to play. It was the first thing I played when I was there because, well, what other chance was I going to get to play the actual…