
Underrated comment of the post, right here.

Now playing

Check this out. Dude went through a lot.

New Day, for all their jokey persona in promos are treated as a legit threat in the ring because they’re an intelligent group when it comes to tag team wrestling. They just broke the record for longest single tag team title reign, a record which has stood for 30+ years from two white guys. New Day are treated

“Listen up Kingfisher, you may be down right now, but I know a spot in town they got a killer buffet, every Tuesday night. All you can eat seafood. Yeah, some people dig through to find the less slimy ones, but here’s a tip from ol’ Jimmy T. The juices in the dumpster are really like a marinade. Really tenders up the

11. Wondering what he’s staring at off in the distance.

No Locke and Edgar? Come on.

It sounds like I mostly agree with this review. A lot of the things they removed sound like good ideas to remove, but actually, they aren’t. I never had any major problems from DR2 onward with escort missions, the time limit kept the game structured, and the limited saves gave the game a somewhat rogue-like feel.

Probably gonna finish up the main story of Pokemon Sun this weekend, and I also grabbed Shadow of Mordor for PS4 on Black Friday on the cheap, so I’ll probably dive in to that.

I’ve said it a 1000 times over the years. I would pay good money for a Roshi/Yajirobe buddy cop like show where they get into shenanigans. Comedy gold.

Obligatory Doc Rivers Gif.

Give me an F-Zero coaster of some variety. That would be insane.

I think it was said here, but I’m really disappointed they weren’t called the Babies. Because then we’d have the:


The only thing I did this time around was SR for the nature I wanted on my Litten, but even that took me a few hours. Finally got my Adamant Litten, but these people going for shinies are out of their tree. Getting the nature I wanted took long enough, and that’s 1/25 chance, so a 1/4096 (actual chance for you to get

I’m the middle of 3 children, my brother being 6 years older than me and my sister being 5 years younger than me. Growing up, it was largely chaos of all of us really not getting along, but after my brother went to college, we grew pretty close, and honestly, he’s one of my best friends now.

My sister on the other

Alright, what do you want from the guy in that situation? This is an honest question. It’s not a matter of wanting to be spoken to exclusively, it’s a matter of wanting to be spoken to at all, and not in condescending terms.

Racism/sexism/xenophobia all still do exist, and they need to be addressed. I’m not saying they

You’re missing the point. Personal issues are always going to come first for people. It’s like telling a homeless guy who’s struggling to survive that there are starving people in Ethiopia, it’s just not going to matter to him, he’s starving too. There’s no double talk here. There’s none of me saying that anyone’s

And that’s why the Left is going to keep losing elections. If your attitude is to say that my problems are bigger than yours, your problems aren’t valid because of your skin color/gender then you’re gonna lose. It’s just that simple. And yes, I realize you could say the same of Trump and the right. But to the 50 year

What’s to hate about Zobrist? He seems like a pretty chill dude.

But they did lose 3 of their starters.

Tough luck.

Wow, what a blazing hot take. Please, tell us more.