Here you go, rude asshat.
Here you go, rude asshat.
What about all the other future daughters in the United States who can’t be whatever they want to be because they never had the economic safety net to take the risks and spend the time to do so?
When Herr Trump is being inaugurated next year, because the democratic base will not turn out to vote for Wall Street’s favorite shill, I’m sure you’ll still be blaming everyone but her (Obama won Democrats but lost both Republicans and Independents and still won comfortably, something that nobody has ever done before…
You can be whatever you want when you grow up,” without lying
That’s just it, Trump doesn’t have all of the answers, and doesn’t claim he does. He has claimed he would find smart people. Trump is by no means the perfect candidate, but if you listen he does describe his plans, and it’s consistent.. In fact it’s been consistent over 28 years, based on late night appearances. He’s…