Calling BS - hit the same dealer at two locations, so look at the dealer.
Calling BS - hit the same dealer at two locations, so look at the dealer.
Most surreal meeting I ever attended. Watched 20 people around the table attest, one by one, that we needed to implement the plan. Then the same twenty people, one by one, swore that they couldn’t spare the personnel needed to implement the plan. And these were all Directors and VPs, who had the last word on whether…
Yeah it’s all fun and games til somebody gets hurt. So China builds a few islands in the South China Sea, and put military bases on them, so we fly our entire strategic bombing force around to let them know what’s up.
He was looking for a BimDrill, but he got a little Squirtle in his pocket
If a husband says something in the woods and his wife can’t hear it, is he still wrong?
Transmission was fine. It wasn’t “broken” until taken apart and inspected. Surfaces are pitted, and there’s water inside, but how long has that shit been going on - 2 weeks, 2 months, 2 years or 2 decades?
Take heart, it’s not that bad.
Width is related to aircraft. United moved from 757's on cross country flights to mostly 737s and A320s. The larger jets use a LOT more fuel, so there’s significant savings, but the smaller planes have a narrower fuselage, so the seating is narrower and more cramped.
Or, you know, eat an apple
I agree - at 200M per month, annual should be 2.4B, but it’s shaved back to 1B, so they’re expecting another 60% drop in in-app purchase revenue, which can be seen as a proxy for the expected drop in active players
“The best way to get a million users is to start with a billion” - unknown
Game was released, went viral, hit 130 mil in a month.
a cool idea executed extremely poorly
prisoners able to perform work are better equipped
GLE RIP? I’ll make sure not to ask for THAT option package!
When they get to teens, it’s not that you pay for somebody to take them, it’s how much you have to pay for somebody that took them, to not bring them back
You do realize you’ll probably have to sell all five kids to get one, right?
3rd Gear - is possible to give any fewer fucks for car dealers?