Drew M

Sorkin made an HBO show about it called “The Newsroom” that ended a few years back... it was pretty good and you can still watch it on HBO GO... it holds up fairly well but I would LOVE to have seen it continue into the era of Trump.

That assumes he was the one that made the advances and not her (Arnold and the maid I mean). That story sounded quite consensual. I wouldn’t lump it in with harassment just because she was in his employ. Those relationships can still be totally consensual and the issue is situation-specific.

What I want is for them to make one of these with a very slight gradient in the bottom so I can have the water drain to the left or right and a small outlet (uncovered so it is washable)... that I could position to drain into my sink and not have the water pool inside it which is gross.

What I want is for them to make one of these with a very slight gradient in the bottom so I can have the water drain

Fair enough... I didn’t grow up in that context... I grew up in a very white area with only a few black friends. I cherish their friendships and I can’t ever imagine using the word. I have seen other white people do it though... and not from a place of malice.

I am not sure I agree with that. It very much depends on context. I think the rules have changed somewhat... especially in communities where the white person is the minority (like predominantly black neighborhoods). In that case the person may be using it to “fit in” or be like the other guys in his group he aspires

I think I can answer that question. I never use the word (I am white btw) but I think the “draw” of it is that it has become a word that used inclusively in the black community and there are some white people that truly want to be part of that community. They think that if they can use the word (and perhaps have it

I completely agree. The biggest problem with drawing equivalency between something proven (Trump caught on tape saying “grab them by the pu**y”, Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky, etc.) vs the ones that are not... is that the accused never gets a chance to defend themselves. If we treat every case of one person making

man the 80's were crazy but so fun...

Cost isn’t the problem for a space elevator. We don’t have any material that can support the tensile strength needed for the cable.

problem being that a “feasible” space elevator may never materialize since we currently have no materials that are even close to the tensile strength needed to support one.

He is legendary in Smokey and the Bandit... now that movie is just plain fantastic all the way around

never make fun of cannonball run... one of them had Carl Lewis in it... and a monkey driving a car

It’s important to note that IF uber does do this... they still also need to purchase all of those driverless cars because right now they don’t own cars... the drivers do. So if they do manage to maintain dominance... it better be a huge dominant position because they have a lot of cash to invest in vehicles too.

Lawn Darts?

I’m just hoping it’s not 0-16

While I appreciate this article greatly because it helps keep things in perspective. Still, I also think it is mainly a failing of semantics. I think the media really meant single/few-shooter scenarios and not cases of mob violence or military massacres.

Admittedly this is one hell of a blurry line (how many shooters

A few things jump out at me. While it is hard to stomach the idea of separating a family like this, it seems this was actually handled about as well as they could.

Why not just put the entire trailer on there... disconnect the cab... ship it via Hyperloop and connect a new cab on the other end? Not only would it arrive faster, use less fuel/power to ship, and require less manpower... but it would also take an enormous amount of wear-and-tear off of our existing highway

Yeah... let’s shit on the guy for trying to get something good done for inner cities because he tried to do it by working with the sitting President of the United States that we all hate.

OK. But on one hand you have people’s lives. And on the other you have a song about a flag.