Drew M

I once heard that in some highly religious communities (where there is absolutely no sexual education and nobody ever talks about sex)... they have found that as many as 30% of newly married couples have trouble getting pregnant because they were having anal sex. In some religions, it is forbidden for them to talk to

I am NOT here defending the actions taken by a Bush/Cheney white house which, at the time, were the most overreaching in history. Still, yes... I think the Obama administration took it even further. In Obama’s case, he actually stated quite clearly that he was using his executive orders because congress “won’t act”

Size and Scope are not the same as the number of executive orders. Most people are talking about the breadth of power he exerted in each of his orders, not the numeric total.

Think that’s bad... think about the precedent Obama set when he unilaterally forced GM creditors to acquiesce to union demands and handed a large portion of the companies equity to the unions at the expense of the creditors. He may have saved GM but he said a terrifying precedent. Now imagine Donald J Trump using

If you re-read my post you will see I am not advocating for “passive bullshit” as you like to phrase it. I am saying we need to use all the levers in our control. That does NOT mean violence and it does NOT mean riots but it DOES mean that protests, petitions, organizing counter-campaigns, lobbying our politicians

As much as it pains me to write this, my hope is that Trump proves us all wrong. My hope is that his administration gets filled with intelligent people that can temper his impulsive personality. My hope is that the institutions we have put in place in order to have checks and balances are strong enough to withstand

He was riled up... give him a pass on the language

One of these things is not like the others,
One of these things just doesn’t belong,
Can you tell which thing is not like the others
By the time I finish my song?

It reads like this entire thing happened in her head from my point of view.

That video of Lars was awesome... he’s incredible...

Hmm... 22 miles all electric vs 200+ miles all electric.

You: “Which becomes an issue when there isn’t room to put that much fuel in the tanks, making barge landing the only viable option.”

Landing on a floating barge saves fuel which is a critical factor when calculating the weight. Ensuring that it would be able to descend on land would mean more fuel used to travel to a point where that would be feasible. Landing in the Ocean is the safest way to ensure that...

I honestly wonder if it would be possible to have a drone or set of drones that could carry a big “box” like the back of an ambulance with all of the gear needed. That would be quite an interesting proposition but its also a tall order for todays drone technology (we couldn’t use fixed wing because it would need a lot

That Rethink concept is nothing short of brilliant and should be incorporated into all social media and discussion forums.

The joke was bizarre and the entire thing fell really flat but I will say one thing... she looked fantastic.

It’s pretty hard to like this guy but that said... part of me is playing the “what if” game. If he truly didn’t rape her and is simply being dragged through the mud because he is refusing to let go of a contract... I sort of feel for the guy. If that is the case then his defensive posturing would make sense (although

Reading this made me sad... because I can’t take competitive gaming seriously even though part of me wants to.

I was just saying that this makes his entire history of his “delusions of grandeur” pretty ironic