that wasn’t a double-yellow though.
that wasn’t a double-yellow though.
I disagree... consider someone with a decent size (but not enormous) yacht. Having a motorcycle parked on board that doubles as a waverunner and takes up roughly the same space sounds pretty awesome. Your space is at a premium and the ability to drive around when you dock and tool around in the water whenever you want…
I totally disagree with your proposal that fumbling into the end zone should be treated the same way as fumbling on the 1 yard line. If a player thought they could achieve better field position by fumbling the ball out the back of the end zone that would be just as bad.
There are ways to push hard an nag the user to upgrade without having to auto-install an entire OS without explicit user permission.
This would be a great way to do a “dead drop” if you were a spy... the person receiving the data just needs to be within 200ft or so to get the data.
Yes but... feet first?
Anyone else have that morbid curiosity wondering if it fell how it would land?
I think you actually got the equation wrong... it is:
I’m a die-hard Giants fan and I have no love for Brady or the Pats. I generally find their fans to be annoying and I take every possible opportunity to remind them of the 2 superbowls my beloved Giants took from them (preventing the perfect season was glorious).
As a father of a young daughter and a young son I must say I am in full agreement with this message but there is a part of me that remembers the politics of Junior High/High School. That time was super-confusing and a lot of times a young girl who may have wanted to date a boy she liked was pressured not to by…
Install classic shell and auto-boot to desktop and I promise you will not look back. Windows 8 is way better than 7 once you address the idiocy of MS removing the start bar and adding that god-awful metro UI.
I think it is VERY important to note that he is top 5 in ALL of those categories AND he has 4 SB wins. None of the other players that have as many SB wins are even in the conversation with those stats.
This is unquestionably true... he is no Dan Marino (says the 4 SB rings on his fingers)
As a Giants fan I hate this post but I couldn't help but chuckle so you get a star...
They may park in undesirable locations that are not convenient for most people (not near a subway or easy bus transit, etc.)... They may also utilize overflow parking where they find highly under-utilized garage space that would not be willing to give joe consumer access but is willing to do a bulk deal with a…
I have long dreamed of this same device.