
Oh man, Fiona... Loved Fiona, except in the first episode where she had that awful Irish(?) accent. Test audiences must have hated it too, because in the second episode she doesn’t have it, and they also talk about why she doesn’t have it.

I think Ashcraft wanted to write about Dakota Johnson, so they hamfisted her into a story about Prince Harry?

Look, we ALL miss Dinklebot, but to act like Witch Queen wasn’t a fantastic expansion is nuts... 

I’m not saying reneging on this isn’t shitty, cuz it is, but if something you sink hours into is free, you are the product... I thought people understood this by now.

From the makers of The Lord of the Rings: Gollum...

Completely disagree... It’s used as a vehicle for the two of them to have a discussion about their plutonic love for each other by the end of that two-parter. I think that 30 Rock did it better with Jack and Liz in the series finale, but when Frasier and Roz finally have that discussion about how much they care about

They point to its green color—Witch Queen’s DLC was covered in shades of green from the trailers to the Queen’s world—and also suggest the power’s focus on threads and connections fits better with 2022’s expansion.

You are super cool.

They point to its green color—Witch Queen’s DLC was covered in shades of green from the trailers to the Queen’s world—and also suggest the power’s focus on threads and connections fits better with 2022’s expansion.”

You’re super cool!

“This is such a special night for so many developers and it’s really dissapointing to see someone act that way but we’re gonna move right on with the show,” Keighley said today. “Really it’s just so sad to see something like this happen on a night we’re here to celebrate games hand how much they mean to us.”

They leaned heavily on nostalgia for this trailer/expansion… I’m hoping it’s more than that. I’ll definitely buy, but if it’s lightfall level of underwhelming, I’ll be super bummed out. Hoping they do it well like they did with Witch Queen.

One big fear, which was seemingly always unfounded, was that Bungie’s development of the recently announced extraction shooter Marathonmeant Destiny’s PvP development resources had completely shifted away from Destiny.“

Dude, I believe you’ve nailed it... Not to dox myself, but I’m from Fort Collins, home of New Belgium and Odell Brewing. Odell has been my favorite brewery for over a decade. They have (imho) the gold standard of IPAs in one of their flagships: Odell IPA (clever name). Story goes, this beer has won so many awards that

I really love the penultimate episode of the series (before this reboot) “Game of Tones” with Fry’s mom. 

NASA isn’t a defense organization or defense contractor... Why would the work on defense? Isn’t that the job of Space Force?

I’m currently rewatching TNG, while the new season of SNW airs (also watching that). I like SNW, and it looks fantastic, but there’s a certain low-budget charm that is missing from the new Trek shows. Take the TNG episode Measure of a Man. Super low budget, but a lot of people consider it a top 5 episode. I’m not

Record of Ragnarok Season 2 is already out, and has been for awhile... Why is it on this list?

No love for 2000's summer banger The Thong Song?

This reads like a, “You’re playing the game wrong” piece...